(I'm sick of mindless thugs, fat & angry black women, weak asian doctors, and mexican maids...)
This post is sparked by a convo about Blood Diamond with my best friend, plus the fact I JUST caught a bit of Amistad. I used to love love LOVE! Djimon. But after seeing Blood Diamond on video last year I got sick: Djimon's character ( once again ) was the obligatory African sidekick that movies stick in to make their African movie "authentic". Put a grass skirt on him and throw his ass in there...ok I'm used to it. But as the movie developed his character didn't...he played dumb the whole movie, stumbling around following Leonardo DiCaprio like some goofy puppy in his own country. When Leo's character knocked him to the ground, dragged him up by his shirt, called him a Kaffir ( nigger ) then told him he ( Leo ) was his master and he needed get used to it, he started sobbing like a 5 year old. AAARRRGHH! I was so upset! I kept waiting for his character to leg sweep Leo and punch him in the throat. ( by the way no hate towards Leo, he did a great job!).
Actors like Denzel, Forest Whitaker, Kal Penn, Chow Yun Fat & Salma Hayak understand that they have an obligation to show the world a different perspective of minorities, so why doesnt' HE? So to you Djimon, you gets the boot. I've moved on to Idris Elba. By the way Queen Latifah... I saw Bringing Down the House...Sigh, I still love you tho.
This is YOUR world-Change it!
the role he plays is called the Magical Negro. Pretty much he plays that black man that the white protagonists uses to overcome his issues, while leaving the black man in the dust.
i'm mad they have a category for being wack-in-movies. lol
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