So You Think You Can Dance Premiers this Thurs!
Yes, I know I waste my time watching too much tv but I can't help myself; I like those competition shows ( i refuse to call it reality). I want to blog on Lil C ( aka Christopher Toler) ...one of the founders of Krumping ( he was featured in David LaChapelle's breakout film 'Rize'). Now, I don't like Krumping, let me be clear. But I recognize how difficult it is and choreographer Lil C has put together some amazing routines with the dancers that make it a very, very easy to swallow.
Feel Free to ffwd. They made the clip too long.
I was upset when one night last season one of the judges made the patronizing comment to two dancers who failed to do a decent job with Lil C's routine ( not this one ) that they ' did the best they could with what they had'; Camera cuts to Lil C's very tight face. I wanted to come through the screen on that judge. The dancer's know that if they get the categories of Hip Hop or Krumpin' they are much more likely to end up in the bottom 2. Yet the show keeps using these art forms and making sure that the audience gets a broader perspective than just Swing Dance or Ballroom, so big props to the producers of 'So You Think You Can Dance'! Krumping will have to fight its way into being perceived as an authentic art form just like Hip-hop did, but in the Meantime...I see you Lil C! Here is the best of his routines. Click Here to See the Clip
Feel Free to ffwd. They made the clip too long.
...Jesus and Sara ended up on the bottom two next show in case you were wondering Lol.
Also here is a clip of some real Krump Artists. ( Hmmm Maybe I like it after all ).
the folks in the first clip were NOT krumping... which is probably why they came in last.
Why don't you think they're Krumping, Travado?
look at both vids. you will see
they are doing a hybridization of krumping, popping, locking, and uprocking...
*Note to self look up uprocking.lol
I understand what you're saying. I'm thinking that krumping is so cramped and movement so limited that he lil C had to make changes to make it more stage friendly. I mean he even added a pirouette at the beginning! ha.-I liked the dance tho.
Btw they came in last because america shot it down...i've actually never watched american idol, but from what I hear this program works the same. But the judges actually loved it.
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