Mix Chicks hair products for the well...mixed. First off I think this is a dope and much needed product line. From talking to multi-racial friends about their experiences growing up, I know it is really tough. I took all my products over my girlfriend Kali's house one night to try to Kitchen Magician her son's hair.Just so you know A dollop of kemi oil, and a little too much leave in conditioner makes a hot mess!
BUT,the name...MIXED chicks ugh! I've never liked the word mixed since i was a child
(I was sensitive because the word applies to my big brother). It's like they're saying that you're taking 2 valid things "black" and "white" and creating something " other".
Plus ( Sigh ) I can see some tragic , confused girl trying to smooth her weave edges back talking about some: "i got indian in my family". For instance why is Chris "mega-black" Webber using the product? See what I'm saying? Let the coonery begin...
Mixed Chicks call me in a few years when you're ready to rebrand. But until then, Best of Luck!
Did they stop selling Pink Moisturizer lotion, bcos that's all a "mixed" sista needed back in the day, lol.
I must say, being that I'm Blasian-my favorite multi-ethnic label, I know what its like growing up with family who's not quite sure how to care for your hair; flashbacks of baby oil dripping off my head while sitting at church comes to mind. Handling curly hair of a different grain can be tricky but once you let go of your typical hair tending ways (using products made for other types of hair) and embrace products made for curly hair you'll be alright.
Blasian girl beauty tip #1:
For curly hair its all about moisturizing. Use regular conditioner as a "leave-in", not too much or it will weigh down your curl. Use a silicon based hair serum for shine or a soft creme pomade like Soft Curl made by Frutis. Air dry, then go.
The key is to not have your child walking around with baby oil grease stains or a brillo pad for a head.
I've never tried the product (because by the time I found out about it, I had locs) but the name can throw you off. Plus, you don't necessarily have to be mixed to have curly hair. And really, if you think about all the colonization that went on around the world, everyone is "mixed." If we all did DNA tests on ourselves, we would probably yield interesting results. But yeah, if the product gets the job done, then cool. I just hope the name doesn't deter people who could still benefit from it.
I totally agree with you. The product name is terrible. LOL! at your comment about the confused chick trying to use the product and get her hair to do things it wasn't designed to do. I can really see that happening.
I don't really know anyone that uses the word "mixed" anymore. The correct term is biracial, but my mom says I'm the youngest person she knows that says "mulatto". I guess I read too many books about black people from the 70s.
Lol @ the Blasian girl beauty tip...Adding on with the Auntie of Bla-Cauc-Asian, Friend of All kinds of blends:
Tip # 2. If they have curls. Stop washing their hair every 45 minutes! The tighter the curls, the less you wash. That goes for all races.
Lol @ the Blasian girl beauty tip...Adding on with the Auntie of Bla-Cauc-Asian, Friend of All kinds of blends:
Tip # 2. If they have curls. Stop washing their hair every 45 minutes! The tighter the curls, the less you wash.
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