I mean I know he's a Scientologist, and I know he was hopping up and down on Oprah's couch and I know he married that annoying ass girl from Dawson's Creek. But come on...was he ever really crazy? This came up in a convo with friends on Thursday: I personally think ( and if my blog gets shut down-you know i'm right!) that the whole Tom-Cruise-Is-Crazy theory may have come from the Food & Drug Administration trying to make him look loopy so he doesn't jack up their sales. Just like Oprah's comments damaging the Red Meat Industry, and getting sued by the farmers. If a big personality like Tom Cruise talks mess about the FDA it could be a problem...Just a thought
He looks crazy as hell in this pic tho doesn't he. Ha ha!
oh no, he's not crazy, he's just not from this planet.
i think you're on to it. someone THAT hi-profile talking about the problem with prescription drugs and our feel-good, pill-popping nation?
Look into my eyes. This cat is trying to hypnotyze us into scientology. I'm not wid it!
Boo, Mark! i still have love for Tom. But Khia_Rocks that picture IS crazy as hell!
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