Went, last night, to Supreme Trading in bklyn to see my Super-Mega-Funky-Fly homie rapper Esen . ( Also there was Evil Dee and Large Professor ) I(We) came rocking home-made fan tees that said: ESEN IS THE CHEESE TO MY MACARONI. Unfortunately circumstances lead only one of us "groupies" I could make it to the show, and even more unfortunate, I came too late to see him rock the mike. But I repped like a real trooper with my glow-in-the-dark oversize tank shirt. AND...I got to hold his backpack while he did an interview....Ooooh he's so dreamy! ha ha...Next time, Esen– Heather and I are going to throw big walmart granny panties at you while you are on stage!. True to my usual form I was in and out like a light, but I did manage to see one group that I want to shout out. They were hot, M.O.M ( That's M-round african mask-M) was the name and I can't find them on the net. The tall slim one had a tight flow and a voice that reminded me of mos Def & Andre 3000 all at once. They had mad charisma and the lyrics were on. I have to check them out again, if anything knows anything about them pls let me know, they weren't listed on the flyer. True again to my usual form, I took really blurry pics, but untrue to my usual, i was too shy to go up to the M.O.M rappers when I had a chance so this is all you get!
Special Shout to the floor camera man and his weird Mad Max camera wonderwheel. is that protocol?
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