I've been off my blogging game lately. My bad. But Yashua Klos told me to tell it like it is so...
A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to go up to harlem and check out Kehinde Wiley as he spoke about his latest exhibition " The World Stage:Africa". I've had convos with friends about Kehinde's artwork. Originally my reaction to his work was total awe and in time it turned to " what on earth?".
Kehinde has become famous for painting image after image of gigantic black men in traditional european poses. They are gorgeous and technically sick. But there are so MANY of them after awhile I began to question his message? I guess it was supposed to be ironic, but It began to seem like he wanted to make black men dignified by making them act non-black. One friend defended him saying that Kehinde's idea was that because we (blacks) are not repped in history he was "painting us in". I said " really, well that's cool". So when the opportunity presented itself I had to ask Kehinde what the real deal was ( turns out btw I wasnt the only audience member disturbed).
He fumbled a little as he said he was fascinated by european art and he found it the utmost in dignity and wanted to depict the men this way (paraphrasing). It kind of makes me sad. With the many many gigantic and time consuming paintings he did this is the best way he found to make that point. And then he turned it into a gimmick. I've seen at least 17 of them 6 ft tall a piece. Well, we all have to eat and Kehinde is eating well.
Kehinde, babes. This is OUR world every last one of us. White-Black-Yellow-Beige. There is no longer one standard. Pretty paintings tho, but I'm glad you've moved on. :)